
Want to know what's up with Project 33? This area is updated
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Update |

I looked at the calendar today and realized
theres just two days left to get the January update published before its February.
These monthly updates sneak up fast!
On the car front, the roll cage is back and black! It will soon be bolted
in the car and Ill be able to finish a multitude of things that had to be put on
hold until the cage was finished.
When I look at the car (I do that more than I care to divulge) the optimist in me says,
wow, theres really not that much left to do and this baby could be on the
road! and the pessimist Counters with You wish! You still have all the little
fiddle fart crap that takes forever to attend to. So, I just keep plugging away on
it little by little, pay check to pay check, knowing that someday it will be
finished. Its best not to think about the vast amount of work thats left or
worry about a completion date. A Street Rod Shop with a talented crew could
get this thing on the road in less than a month. Im just one guy with a few friends
- Im afraid it will take a bit longer.
Ive often said that the way I keep from loosing interest in a street rod project is
to visualize it as a group of small projects, not one huge one. I think you also need to
exercise patience. You probably all remember the impatient guy in high school who
bought new speakers for his car and then ran wires over the seat and propped them up in
the rear window - ready to slide off into the back of your head in a sudden stop. They
sounded like transistor radio speakers because he never spent the time to mount them
properly. Spending a few extra minutes to do something right the first time can provide
great satisfaction and frees you up to do your next project
right the first time.
that were up to date on the car, lets talk about people. In a
recent article I told how appreciative I was for the help of my friends. This project
literally wouldnt be here today without the help and support of a lot of people.
Ill skip a long-winded Academy Awards type acceptance speech,
thanking everyone by name including my dentist, and just say, This project would not
be possible without the help and support of all of my friends and family, the
projects sponsors - and God.
For most of us street rod building is a hobby. Its something we do in our free time
for enjoyment. When you look at the available free time after working all week,
maintaining a house and yard, attending school, church and family functions, and all the
other things that eat away the hours in a day
its a wonder we can ever finish
a car. When you take into account the time thats donated by friends who also lead
busy lives with projects of their own - you realize how extraordinary they really are.
Im truly blessed.
sure theres a couple Renaissance Rodders out there who have every tool
know to man and can handle every aspect of construction without outside assistance, but
the majority of us rely on the help of others more than we sometimes realize. We
dont own a wheel balancing machine and a paint booth. We cant lift the body on
and off the frame by ourselves. We dont own a car trailer to haul it somewhere
during construction, and on and on... When Project33 is finished it will be the
result of a group effort.
Until next time - Keep the shiny side up! |
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