The Project:
Project 33 is being built as a modern car with traditional styling. Basically we
hope to capture all the style and classic lines of Hot Rods of the past and blend it with
some current technology. Products that improve performance, safety, and drivability will
be used whenever possible as long as the classic style of the car can be kept intact. Our
goal is to show you the entire build-up with as much detail as possible. Hopefully we'll
pass along a few good tips to fellow builders as we go.The Pieces:
The project consists of an Outlaw Performance 33 Ford 3-window coupe body and a
Total Cost Involved Engineering frame.
For a clean traditional look, the highboy will use a drop I-beam front axle and
quick change rear. Current plans call for a blown small block, roll cage, and flames.
Loud graphics should ensure we can always find it in a mall parking lot. We intend
to drive it all over so streetability and low maintenance will be a priority. I love
working on cars, but only when I don't have to.
No original 1933 Ford parts will be used unless we can't find a suitable
reproduction piece. This car will be a prime example of the availability of quality new
and reproduction parts that are available on the market today.
The Programming:
Scooter (of Scooter Designs) is webmaster for several of the companies listed
above, so building this car "real time" on the web is a fun and
"do-able" Street Rodding first.
This site uses dynamic Cold FusionŽ programming. A database driven website is the
ultimate and logical way to do a project of this magnitude. Updates and additions to this
site are effortless, so as the car progresses, you'll see it, typos and all, as soon as we
enter it! |
The People:
The project is being built by Scott Nelson (AKA Scooter) with the advice and help
of several vendors and friends. Among those vendors and
friends are: (in alphabetical order)
I'm sure we'll get a little advice from readers like yourself
from time to time also... thanks!
If you would like to see Project33's sponsor's Banners,
check out the
full page of Banners. There's also a Project33 Banner
that you can place on your website if you wish.
Visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
page or send us an email.