
Want to know what's up with Project 33? This area is updated
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Update |
Oops! It looks like I forgot to update this area last month. I
must have been too busy driving the car! Yup, it was on the streets through Thanksgiving.
Then the weather turned cold and snowy so the car is tucked safely in the garage awaiting
the finishing touches to make it completely finished. I plan to start working on it after
Christmas - but enough of that - lets talk about what happened today...This is the Zip Feed building. It *was* the tallest building in the
state of South Dakota. No, that's not a typo - at 202-feet high, it has been the tallest
building in the STATE since it was built in 1956. (sad, I know)
The building sits in the heart of Sioux Falls right next to
the river. The city is "beautifying" the river greenway and downtown area so the
time has come to make way for a new office building. A demolition company was brought in
to "tip the zip". The plan was to blow up the supports on one side of the
structure so that it would fall on it's side. The concrete will be recycled as the
foundation for the new building.
It quickly became the biggest event in ages. "The Big
Boom" and "Tip the Zip" parties were formed and there was a raffle to push
the button with proceeds going to Multiple Scorosis. News crews had multiple cameras setup
to cover the event and spectators turned out by the thousands - us included.
The time came for the the countdown and the button was
pushed! BOOM! |

The building dropped about 30 feet, slid into the basement and
came to rest like the Leaning Tower of Pisa (The Leaning Tower of Sioiux Falls ;) leaving
the experts baffled about what to do next and the crowds roaring with laughter. It was a
good time for everyone but the demolition "experts" :)I'm not sure what's more pathetic... that this was the tallest
building in South Dakota or that watching it tip over was the local event of the decade.
I've been spending a lot
of time snow blowing lately. Last month was the seventh snowiest November in
history and it all happened in one week. Thousands of South Dakotan's were without power
as 10,000 miles of power lines were downed from the ice and strong winds.
Since I've been too busy to update the site,
several visitors asked if they could at least see some shots of my snow blower so here it
This Hemi Snow Blower photo was e-mailed to me
the other day and I just had to share it. I'm not sure where it came from so I can't give
credit to the source but I think it's just what I need! My old Honda caterpillar track
blower is starting to show it's age.
Don't you think an 871 blower and open headers
would be the way to go? This one seems a little tame for South Dakota winters :)
*12/04/05 Update:
The hemi snowblower is from whatcanyouhemi.com.
You may enjoy some of the other hemi-powered projects on the site :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year! |
Until next time, Keep the snowy side up! |
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