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Update |
I'm back from the Hot Rod & Restoration Show in Indy and as promised,
I have a bunch of photos to share with those who couldn't attend. This is a two day event
and this year it seemed especially busy. The show is made up of manufacturer and vendor
booths with a select number of vehicles along the outer edge on one end of the convention
hall. This is the show that Project33 was in back in 2005 just hours after we got her
running for the first time.

There are so many photos that I decided to make a photo gallery
to share them all. Click Here for photos of the 2007 Hot
Rod & Restoration Show.
Before I left we had a big snowfall and our 29
year old Honda HS50 track snowblower blew its transmission in front of the house. I
figured at it's age that I'd just pull the engine and put it out to pasture. It has seen a
lot of hard use in the past 29 years and the entire auger/drive system has seen better

After pulling the engine I went out and bought a brand new
Poulan/Husqevarna 11HP blower with a 30-inch auger, electric start, light and the works.
It snowed several more inches so I took it out for it's first run. Boy was I disappointed!
It didn't clear snow nearly as well as the 29 year old Honda. It was much more difficult
to control and keep in a straight line, it couldn't be adjusted to scrape to the concrete
and would require following up with a shovel and worst of all, it was a dog when you
attempted to clear a huge drift. That little 5.5HP Honda will blow snow about 28 feet and
never bog down!
Believe it or not, the store took the Poulan
back and I ordered $300 in parts to fix the old Honda. A new one is over $2000 and I guess
I can understand why now. I'm hoping to get another 29 years out of it if I can.
The parts were (and still are) on order when I
left for Indy and we got the blizzard of the century while I was gone! School was closed
for two and a half days, the highways in and out of Sioux Falls were closed and my wife
was left at home with a shovel to take care of drifts over four feet high in our driveway.
Needless to say, I'll be in the dog house for a while.
Until next time, Keep the snowy side up |
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