
Want to know what's up with Project 33? This area is updated
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Welcome to the area of the site where Im supposed to give
a synopsis of the progress to date but usually end up using as a forum to vent, question
and philosophize. This months no exception but I *do* have more progress to report
than usual. 
About the car:
For the April Progress Update Im pleased to announce that theres been
progress! Things are coming together nicely sort of. I say sort of
because I really havent had much fun mounting the grille, hood and front sheet
metal. Its tedious and time consuming.
new tubing bender, notcher and clamps are just waiting to be used to make the roll cage.
The chrome molly tubing arrived this week so all thats left to do is to get a new
cut-off saw and make templates for the first bends. At this time Im deciding what
the best material will be to use to make templates. Wish me luck.
The tools are from Williams Lowbuck
Tools and they look great! I cant wait to use them. I think it will be nice to
build it myself since its not your normal roll cage. Another good thing about
building it here is not having to transport the car somewhere else and leave it for who
knows how long, or worry about it. Ill cover the use of the tools and the entire
build up of the cage in detail when the time comes.
The fuel lines are on the way from Pure Choice Motorsports! Pure Choice custom makes the braided lines to
fit. I cant wait! I always talk to Gary when I call them and he is so helpful.
Im not always the easiest guy to understand!
The fuel lines will take us one step further toward getting the engine fired up. I can see
the light at the end of the tunnel! Im going to see if I can borrow a friends
digital movie camera to document starting the engine for the first time. My Nikon 990 will
do a short movie but theres no sound and we all know its the SOUND that
makes your heart jump!
Murphys Law
You all know Murphys Law right? Everything that can go wrong will.
I kind of live my life by this rule, always trying to think ahead to what ramifications
might result from something I do. It plays (or should play) a big part in building a
street rod, like where you run the fuel lines and how you bolt things together.
Of course theres those unforeseen instances when theres no way you could have
ever envisioned the sequence of events that unfold before you. Take the President of the
United States visit to Sioux Falls last Wednesday for example.
been working for the past few months on a new website for Yogis Inc. It was
tested and tweaked for several weeks and is still being fine tuned daily, but we decided
on Tuesday that it was finished enough to make it public. I worked from late Tuesday night
into the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday to get it all switched over and ready to
go. E-mails were sent to announce its début and Wednesday morning we were ready to
About 10:30am Wednesday morning I noticed the site was starting to get really slow. It got
worse and worse and I was getting worried. I checked all the sites on my web server and
every one of them was super slow. The photos on this site wouldnt even load and
pages were timing out. Through process of elimination I concluded that it was my
servers connection to the Internet that was causing the problem and not the server
itself. It shouldnt be slow since theres 3-T3 lines connecting it to the
backbone of the Internet but it was now so slow that that many visitors werent able
to access the server at all.
I called the service provider so find out what was going on. It seems that a local TV
station who hosts their web site using the same connection was running a live video feed
of the Presidents visit and they were sucking the bandwidth dry, leaving none for anyone
else! Air force 1 was due to arrive at any moment and they were going to cover his visit
on their web site from landing to takeoff.
By the
time I hung up the phone I could have just as well shut my web server off. I stepped
outside for a moment and just as I did, Air Force One flew directly above me in all its
glory. Im hoping that secret Service didnt see me below, shaking my fist and
cursing in anger ;)
Of all the days to launch a new web site! I was bombarded with e-mails reading I
liked the old site better, this one loads too slow and All the Links are
broken. Let me tell you, thats just what a web developer wants to hear. I had
no control over the situation and was considered by everyone to be the cause. So
all of you who visited Yogis new site the first day and were disappointed I'm
officially setting the record straight blame it on George Bush and KELO TV. Who
would have known? I guess Murphy would have.
Until next time... thanks for visiting and keep the shiny side
up! |
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