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Want to know what's up with Project 33? This area is updated monthly to let you know where we're at with the project. The latest Articles are featured in the What's New? area of this site and are in reverse chronological order. To follow the build up  from "day 1", go to the From the Start link and keep clicking on "Next Article". To view Articles on a particular subject, use the Search option of this site with the area you wish to explore as your keyword.

   04/30/04 Update 

For once the Monthly Progress Report has real progress to report!

We've been working on the project like car-crazed fools the past few weeks. I've never been so far behind on Articles (and it bothers me) but we're in a rush to get the body and frame off to be painted and there's just so much to do before it leaves. I haven't missed a night for the past two weeks.

There were several reasons for turning the body completely over and hanging it upside-down instead of rolling it on it's side. With the body upside-down the weight is suspended by the steel reinforced floor - the strongest part of the body. It also allows Bob to get at any area underneath without having to roll the body from one side to another and last but not least, it enables me to create a one piece fiberglass headliner (to be covered with leather) and have gravity HELPING me instead of the other way around.

The photo above shows the "mold" ready to be glassed. It's made from corrugated cardboard that's covered with wax paper, duct tape and packaging tape - all materials that fiberglass resin won't stick to. I started laying up the glass tonight but ran through a gallon of resin in no time and the stores are all closed. Tomorrow's list of things to do includes purchasing a couple more gallons of resin and a few extra brushes and continue where I left off.

I think (hope) a lot of people are going to find the interior Articles interesting. I'm always amazed how a builder can go to great lengths to make their car a personal expression only to drop it off at the upholster so that he can create his own personal expression for the interior. I think they're missing out on one of the funnest (most fun) and most rewarding areas of the car to design and build.

As a proud father (1st and street rodder 2nd), I have to tell you about the latest adventures of our youngest daughter Scooterette (AKA Chloe). She spent last week dancing in the streets of New York City (that's her standing in the center with her hand raised) as a part of Project Dance. This photo is of the stage at Times Square. She lives to perform.

It was a wonderful adventure for a wide-eyed 13 year old from South Dakota. Dance is her passion and she really excels at it. It's great to see a kid with enthusiasm for something these days and we support her 110 percent. She's one of the youngest in her troop so an adult had to accompany her. My wife (Scooterina) went with her so I spent most of the week in the garage. They're back home safe and sound and even though I had the car to occupy my time, I missed them. I imagine I'll be working the next few weeks to pay off their credit card bill when it arrives.

While they were away in NYC our middle daughter Scooterella (AKA Haley) went to her high school prom. With her mother gone, yours truly had the honors of taking pictures, zipping dresses, giving fatherly advice and hosting the all-night after prom party. I learned that I'm too old to stay up all night. It took me about three days to get back in sync. I also learned that a small group of teenage boys can easily consume over $80 of chips and cookies an hour :)


Until next time - Keep the shiny side up!


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