Here are some
photos from recent car shows. The first are from the 2nd Annual Sioux Falls
Automaina. The last two years its been held on the Wednesday night before
the Back to the 50s in St Paul. Youd be hard pressed to find a better show.
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This has always been one of my favorite cars. Its a `32 Chevy that was build
by Larry Erickson. The crank-driven blower peeking out from behind the grille is too cool.
I had a laugh at the Back to the 50s as one gentleman was explaining to his less
knowledgeable friend that the car was front wheel drive and that the blower was the
transaxle. Hopefully hes not a sex education instructor.

The car is a mechanical masterpiece. The builders vision and mechanical
abilities make me so envious!

There were several Ferraris and an Aston Martin DB9. I think
Aston Martin has some of the best styling on the road. If someone wants to trade one of
these even-up for Project33, you're on!

Nice cars came out of the woodwork for the event. This little
`32 roadster was a prime example.

The streets were blocked off in historic Downtown Sioux Falls to
hold the huge event. It was so large that it was difficult to see all the vehicles. They
spanned several city blocks, taking up all the available real estate.

This clean little 5-window `32 coupe was also at the Back to the 50s.
Its very well built and reeked of fresh red leather as you walked by.

Talk about a clean engine compartment. The hemi is this older
Barracuda had almost no clearance between the shock tower and the right valve cover. Good
thing it was solid mounted.

The old Taboo Gasser was at the party. Its nice to see it
on the road, still standing tall in all its glory. It was once pale yellow and used to
occasionally sit next door when I was a kid.

I helped restore a 1914 Excelsior once, so this modern
adaptation of a vintage Harley look, was too cool. The following bikes were all built by
Klockwerks Cycles. Watch for their biker build-off on the Discovery Channel. They were
filming at the show.

Heres Dakota Digitals bike. Its loud, fast and
high-tech, with a retro feel. Pretty cool.

Heres another picture of the Cherry Bomb. I
love this bike!

Norm Fey had his latest creation at the show. It was hard to get
through the crowds to see it! The last time I saw the car was at the garage tour in
Watertown. It was in the mock-up stage at that time. Wow, theyve done a lot of work
since last Labor Day!
Two days after Automainia we were headed for St
Paul, MN and the Back to the 50s Weekend where we met up with one
of my EtechGlobal clients, Fred from Gene Smith Parts, a tri-five Chevy parts manufacturer.
 He and his wife drove their little `38 pickup all the way from
California to take part in the event.

Fred pointed out several cool little tricks on his truck, like the
use of aircraft tie-downs in the bed and the hidden tailgate latches he made from scratch.

This looks like something that Walt Disneys Goofy would
drive. Some guys go to a heck of a lot of work to look stupid. I dont have to try
nearly as hard.

I love the retro patina paint jobs. They look like old racers that have been
resurrected from a barn.

This was my wifes favorite car. It had stringers of old
wooden fish in the windows and a vintage Hams beer can in the holder on the dash.
The sign was a fun touch.

They clear-coated right over the original patina and everyone we
overheard commenting on it loved the look.

This little Morris Minor was powered by a Big Block Chevy.
Overkill? Nah!

I couldnt believe how nicely the big rat fit with room to spare.

In front of the Morris sat another car whose owner believes in
high HP to weight ratios. This VW beetle was also big block powered!
Thats about all I have for pictures from this years event event. The rest of
my time was spent sitting by our car or dodging rain drops. It rained part of the day both
Saturday and Sunday.