Car Progress:
I would love to tell you that I've been working on the car night and day and it's almost
finished, but that's not the case. I've had very little time to do anything since Mother's
Day. What I'm working on right now is designing the dash layout and custom gauge display.
I'm also trying to put together an order for all the polished stainless bolts I'll need to
complete the entire car and collecting various other parts needed to complete the project.
Come Sept. we will be working on the project almost daily.

Father's Day was good this year. You've probably noticed that I
tend to give my wife - or women in general (because I live with four of them) - a little
teasing occasionally on the site. It's all in good fun but I feel I should take it all
back. I think I must have the best wife in the universe to put up with me working around
the clock and how obsessed I can become with my "projects". I chase her around
the house with street rod magazines and color charts asking "what do you think of
this?" when I know she could care less, and she almost never tells me where to go.
This year for Fathers Day she and the kids gave me the coolest
gift! My old "tool chest" consisted of a school lunch-lady's milk cart that was
converted sometime in the early `70s with four drawers. I painted it red and put some
Snap-on Tools stickers on it to make it look less like a milk cart but it was showing its
age. I probably wouldn't have bought a new chest myself. I'd just use that money toward a
project and continue to be content with my school lunch cart. ;)
Being the kid I am, I just HAD to put a bunch of stickers on it
right away! It's sort of like marking your territory. I'm only using stickers from
companies who's parts or services have been used in the making of Project33.
We now have an artists rendering of Project33 as shown above.
Special thanks go out to John Vernon. for drawing the car. John got sidetracked working so
he sent me a rough draft of what he had (John, where's your priorities?) just before the
"The Back to the 50's" in St. Paul, MN. I wanted to make up a few shirts for the
occasion, so I digitally "finished" John's picture and used it for the shirts.
The T-shirts are a
Hanes "Heavyweight" 50/50 T-shirt and read "" at the top
and "The 1st Street Rod built entirely on the web!" below the car. When John
sends his final rendering, I'll be sure to show it to you and give him the credit he
deserves. He does AWESOME work! (and will do it for others too) Thanks John!
If there's enough interest, I'll be making up some more shirts. I
should be able to pass them along to you for about $15 a shirt plus shipping. Let me know.
The Web Site:
Have you seen the new RPM calculator? I'm adding new things to the
site as I find the time. Let me know if think of anything I should do to make the site
more useful. Sure part of the site follows the build-up of Project33, but the rest of the
site is my gift to you. I hope you find the new features enjoyable. If so, please tell a
friend. Oh yeah, the new "look" was done to remove the site's frames so
members can view the site.
You can read my past ramblings from previous months by clicking the Links below.
Keep the shiny side up!