The Good:
There's lot of good things to talk about this month. The
motor is here in the shop now and I'm having a "motor install" party
some evening this month. I figure even though bolting the motor and transmission together
and putting bolts in the mounts isn't too difficult, it would be fun to share it
with some of the guys who have been a part of this project to various degrees over pizza
and liquids. You can read all about it here some day soon (I hope).You all remember Bob, our free gratis site spell checker,
don't you? After emailing him for over a year and never meeting him in person, we packed
the family in the Durango and took a trip to Omaha and Lincoln NE to do a little
Christmas shopping. While we were there we had the pleasure of meeting Bob and his wife
Sheila in person for the first time.
are building an Outlaw bodied coupe like ours except full fendered. Bob's garage is
impressive and so is his workmanship! I got (stole) several good ideas from him and will
be doing a few similar things to our coupe.
Lisa and I are looking forward to seeing Bob and Sheila at
rod runs in the future. God bless the Internet.
I have a new friend! Meet Angel, the newest addition to our
family. She's a 14 week old American Eskimo (dog) and the name is appropriate. Funny how a
puppy can make a 200lb man turn to putty with one look. She loves the garage! Now I have
someone to keep me company and there's finally a woman in the house who listens to me.
"helped" me install the water pump the other night.
I just *knew* I had 2 gaskets laying out...
Dogs like this really love the cold so my 50-degree garage
and our cold, snowy South Dakota winters are just her thing.
The shop is looking like a street rod shop!
With the bike shop closed the shop has taken over with car stuff. The back
shelves are now stocked with parts for Project33 instead of bike stuff and the body now
resides on rollers in the old work area of the shop.
peg board has been stripped of bicycle tools and awaits an array of rod building tools.
Two workbenches are nice when you're multi-tasking with body/chassis projects going on
simultaneously, etc.
I'm going to hate to give this up someday when we move to a
residential area.
The Bad:
The Showroom area of the old bike shop is depressing to view. In
my spare time I've been doing an inventory of any remaining parts and accessories to be
After living in this building for most of my life it just
doesn't seem the same. It always had that "bicycle shop" smell, of tires and
oil, that I took for granted for 30 years. Now I believe it's one of the things I'll miss.
It isn't all bad though, just to look at.
I don't miss retail at all and my outlook on life has changed since I've been
working fewer hours. If you ever get a stupid idea like taking on 2 full-time jobs at the
same time - WAKE UP! :)
The Ugly:
Here's a picture of a friend of mine doing his job as a fire inspector.
The building he's standing in is the place I get the Project33 T-Shirts printed! 
I have a few shirts left in stock at this writing but my next
order of shirts might take a bit longer. I haven't had the heart to try to contact someone
from there to see if the Project33 artwork or screen survived but I highly doubt it.
A while ago an order for a child's size small came in from a
guy in Canada. I thought it was odd for a guy to order only a childs size so I contacted
him to make sure. His email address was incomplete so I was forced to resort to snail
mail, and International mail can take a long time to receive! During the long wait I
forgot all about his pending order and arranged to loan my credit card processing
equipment to my brother-in-law to use in his store over the holidays. I had the equipment
in a box ready to deliver one morning and decided to check my email before I left. There
was an email from the fellow requesting a size XL and thanking me for inquiring before
sending the wrong size. Talk about close! I was able to plug the equipment in to run his
credit card before I left. We had cancelled our credit card processing account, since it
was the bike shop's, and his order was the last one processed. To top it all off there was
only 1 XL shirt left in stock! - Real close!
The next day when the screen printers burned down I though to myself how many
things could have kept him from getting that shirt. If he only knew...
The T-Shirt Order Page is now set up to use PayPal's
processing service so you can still buy a shirt - if it's in stock. :)
You can read my past ramblings from previous months by clicking the Links below.
Keep the shiny side up!