Through the miracle of computer graphics
Project33 is finished! It's amazing what a 30 minute session in PhotoShop can do for a
street rod. This gives you (and me) a good idea what the car should look like when it's
finished. What do you think? I know I'm excited.
If only it was this easy to build the real thing! In case
you're looking at this picture and thinking "How much of what I've seen on this
website is fake?" I assure you that the rest of the site is as real as man's first
walk on the moon.
One thing I haven't touched on but is a VERY big part of this
project is the amount of thought and planning that goes into building a car from the
ground up. Everything has to be planned out and determined well in advance because one
area of the car can effect the way another works or fits. I'm trying to avoid having to do
things over or change plans as much as possible and it takes a lot of late nights staring
at the car, or a part of the car, and thinking of ways to make it better. For example,
this morning I was looking at the throttle linkage that I purchased from BDS. I came up
with a cleaner way to do the job that only requires making a couple new pieces. As I
started to draw out a template I remembered that the TV cable for the transmission also
needs to be a part of this linkage. I don't have the TV cable yet so plans for the linkage
are put on hold for a while and I'm looking at something else instead. If you get in too
big a hurry, you'll make mistakes.
On the home front:
We sold our remaining inventory from the bike shop and are ready to put our property on
the market. It should sell fast at the price we're listing it at. When it does, it will
mean a move is in store. Wherever that is, there will be a special place for work to
continue on Project33. There might be a month or so when not much gets accomplished but
maybe not. I hope to time it right so that I can have some of the work I need to
"farm out" done during that time and I can follow it on the web to keep things
rolling here. The first order of business once we move will be creating a first-class
garage/work area for the project. I plan to paint the floor like we did here and build in
a full shop with cabinetry and workbench. I'll miss the HUGE area I have to work in now
but I really don't need this much space. Anyone who's looking for a beautiful 6
bedroom house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with an attached (via tunnel from basement to
basement) barn that's capable of storing about a dozen cars on the main floor and is zoned
commercial - email me! :) (great plug, eh?)
The Web Site:
I think we finally got the server problems behind us! Project33.com now
resides on a new 800MHZ dual processor server with a GIG of ram. It's running Windows 2000
server with Cold Fusion® 4.5. The site should be faster and more stable
now. This site experiences a ton of traffic. I've looked at "who's on" at 3AM
and there's been as many as 25 people there! During the day there have been times with
over 100 people visiting the site at the same time. I'm really thrilled so many people
enjoy the site and find it useful.
We have 2 New Sponsors!
Project33 welcomes Hot Rod Air and Powermaster to its list of sponsors.
Not only do these sponsors help bring you this website but they also provide a huge amount
of technical information and tips. I learned a ton of information in just one brief phone
conversation with David Stutts (from Hot Rod Air) the other day. The street rod industry
is overflowing with nice people who are willing to help answer questions. Again I'd like
to thank everyone who has helped with this project in ANY way! What's that saying?
"It takes a village to build a street rod"? :)
You can read my past ramblings from previous months by
clicking the Links below.
Keep the shiny side up!