If the shirt fits...
Do you know what the best part of having your car featured on the cover of the
Yogi's catalog is? Their current catalog cover is always featured on their T-shirts!This is Marla, from Yogi's, Inc. modeling the latest in
"Yogiware". I have to get one of these! Heck - I'm going to get 8 of them - one
for every day of the week and an extra one to frame! This photo was taken at Yogi's
booth during this year's "Back to the 50's" in St. Paul, MN. Marla had no idea
who I was or why I was taking this picture so I'm sure she'll appreciate me posting it on
the web for all the world to see. :) If you want one of these cool shirts for
yourself just include one in your next Yogi's order or give them a call at 1-800-373-1937 |
Still waiting for the car
to come home
I just about skipped work today to cruise to Sioux City, IA to see my car
but I decided to skip the 3 hour round-trip drive and update this page instead. I'm
starting to go through withdrawal. I'm even starting to dream about the car and that's not
a good sign.
Years ago my wife and I watched a movie where
one of the key lines (or at least the one that stuck in our heads) was "Why does
everything have to take so long?" That's the way I feel right now. Everything is
finally in place and I have the time to work on the car - just no car.
The Garage
The floor is ready! I even installed a ceiling fan over the work area ($12.87 at
Home Depot) to keep things cool or warm depending on the time of year. This photo was
taken just before I installed it. I'm in garage heaven.

The newly painted floor sure brightens thing up!
The guys from Concrete Surfaces did a nice job as usual. I guess that's why I'm a repeat
customer. You can see by the reflections in the floor that it almost looks like a swimming
pool. The car will be built and stored in the far right stall. Notice the absence of
shelves, rakes, brooms, bikes and anything else that could possibly fall on the car and
damage it. When setting up a garage it's wise to keep anything that could fall, spill, or
tip on the car as far away as possible because if you don't... it will!
Anyway, that's about all the "new
news" I have for now. I'll see you at the NSRA Nationals in KY the first weekend in
Until next time -
Keep the shiny side up!